Selected Journal Articles
Johansson, A., Nyström, A-S., Gonsalves, A., and Danielsson, A. (2023). Performing legitimate choice narratives in physics: Possibilities for underrepresented physics students. Cultural Studies in Science Education. 18, 1255-1283.
Gonsalves, A., Danielsson, A., Avraamidou, L., Nyström, A-S., and Esquivel, R. (2023). Using story-based methodologies to explore physics identities: How do moments add up to a life in physics? Physical Review Physics Education Research. 19, 2. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.19.020106
Danielsson, A., Johansson, A., Nyström, A-S., and Gonsalves, A. (2023). Young peoples’ online science practices as a gateway to higher education STEM. Research in Science Education.
Rahm, J. and Gonsalves, A. (2023) Refiguring research stories of science identity by attending to the embodied, affective, and non-human. Frontiers in Education 8:1083992. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1083992
Gonsalves, A., Danielsson, A., Johansson, A., Nyström, A-S. (2022). Other spaces for youths’ identity-work in physics. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 18, 020118. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.18.020118
Rahm, J., Gonsalves, A., Lachaîne, A. (2022). Young women of color figuring science and identity within and beyond an afterschool science program, Journal of the Learning Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2021.1977646
Silfver, E., Gonsalves, A., Danielsson, A., and Berge, M. (2021). Gender equality as a resource and a dilemma: Available repertoires in Engineering Education in Sweden. Gender & Education.
Gonsalves, A., *Cavalcante, A., *Sprowls, E., and **Iacono, H. (2021). “Anybody can do it if they’re brave enough”: Understanding the role of science capital in science majors’ identity trajectories into and through post-secondary science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 58, 8, p. 1117-1151.
Gonsalves, A., Wiseman, D., and *Sprowls, E. (2021). Teaching novice science teachers online: Considerations for practice-based pedagogy. LEARNing Landscapes. 14, 111-123
Ottemo, A., Gonsalves, A., and Danielsson, A. (2021). (Dis)embodied masculinity and the meaning of (non)style in physics and computer engineering education. Gender & Education. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2021.1884197
Gonsalves, A. (2020). Constructing inside-ness to physics: How matter comes to matter for physics identity work. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 15(4), pp. 911-921.
Gonsalves, A. and Chestnutt, H. (2020). Networks of support: Investigating a counterspace that provides identity resources for minoritized students in post-secondary physics. The Physics Teacher, 58, pp. 324-327.
*Gosling, C., and Gonsalves, A. (2020). Lessons from research exploring the underrepresentation of women in physics. The Physics Teacher. 58, pp. 342-344. 10.1119/1.5145532
Gonsalves, A. (2020). Operationalizing intersectionality to understand recognition in the landscape of becoming. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 15, pp. 347–357.
Selected Book Chapters
(*Doctoral students, **MA students)
(*Doctoral students)
Gonsalves, A., and Rahm, J. (2023). “It was always about relationships, and it was awesome”: Girls performing gender and identity in an out-of-school science conversation club. In L. Archer and H. Holmegaard (Eds). Science Identities: Theory, method, and research. Springer Press. (16 pgs)
*Cavalcante, A., and Gonsalves, A. (2021). Undergraduate science majors’ identity work in the context of science outreach: Investigating the role of science capital. Olivia Levrini et al. (Eds), Engaging with Contributions from Science Education Research, Chapter 14, Vol. 9, Contemporary Challenges through Science Education Research Series, Springer Press. (9 pgs) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74490-8
Gonsalves, A., and Danielsson, A. (2020). Who needs identity in Physics Education Research? In (Eds) A. Gonsalves and A. Danielsson, Physics Education and Gender: Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research. Springer Press.
Gonsalves, A., Wiseman, D., *Vanderzwet, L., *Spencer, K.R., *Cartier-Archambault, V. (2020) Beyond the binary: Are there really only two sexes? In S. Woolley and L. Airton (Eds). Teaching about Gender Diversity: Teacher tested lessons for K-12 classrooms. Canadian Scholars Press.
Gonsalves, A., and Danielsson, A. (2020). Physics Education and Gender: Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research. Springer Press.